
Sunday 10:30 A.M. Worship
Bible Study | Wednesday - 6:30 P.M. Fellowship, Bible Study


6185 HWY 266
Springfield, MO


417 831 2333 or 417 773 2588

Welcome to Lifelines Church!

Lifelines: Connection To Life                                                                      Come Home To Your Future

Come worship with us!

We believe that God loves all of creation, and through Jesus Christ we are brought into fellowship with Him. We are a family, proclaiming the love and grace of God and the power of His Word. All are welcome at Lifelines Church--those who believe as well as those who are seeking.

At each service we gather for meaningful worship and to find life in God’s word. We reach out with a heart of ministry to care in the name of Christ for our neighbors  here and around the world. As the family of God, we have fun and fellowship in a variety of activities. It is in walking through life, working and worshiping together that we find life-giving connection with God and with old friends and new.

You will discover many exciting opportunities at Lifelines Church. Our website is just an introduction to the spirit of our church. We want you to feel at home, welcome, and comfortable here. We are pleased to join with you as part of a growing and diverse Christian community empowered by God-given connection.

Come home to Your future!

Women's Conference Registration Form

Please fill out separate forms for each person attending. Click on the button below to pay online. (When paying online, please check option box  and add $2.00 to cover processing fees.

  Registration Fee

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